It’s time to show up for you!

So, you’ve started your own business, you are doing it. Your thing! Your superpower, that thing you’ve always dreamed of and it’s awesome!!!

You tell everyone that wants to hear, you shoehorn your new venture into every conversation, just like when you have a new boyfriend / girlfriend you want to tell everyone about. And then you start posting on Facebook and Instagram, because you know it’s all about showing up right?

But every time you post you’re faced with everyone else. All these super confident, glamorous others … on actual video in their stories, always looking ‘perfect’ in their photos. They look so natural in front of the camera, you feel like you’re Chandler Bing’s long lost sibling! They are beautifully coiffed, without looking made up, they’re smiling, they’re confident …. Oh my god how will you ever compare?

And so you tell yourself its fine. Quotes are powerful enough. Blogs are the way forward and you can use stock images. You tell yourself that you could never do lives like that. Your selfies just aren’t good enough. You’ll never look like that. You need lots of photos to keep things fresh but how?  You’ll get a proper branding photoshoot one day of course, with hair done, makeup, new outfits, the full monty when you’ve built your following because you know you need one, then everything will be ok. Because you need a fully polished brand shoot or people will judge you, laugh at you?

Let’s be really clear. This is all just fear and self talk, and you’re simply holding yourself stuck … in the danger zone of sharing nothing, staying in your comfort zone where no one can see you and no one can judge you, but also no one can help you grow, no one can get to know you, no one can buy from you. Becoming more visible can trigger all kinds of mindset stuff: fear, confidence issues, imposter syndrome, self doubt … it’s a blast right! But you can work through it and here’s a few little truth bombs to help you think a little differently.

Truth Bomb 1:

Most people are really only interested in themselves! It’s not nasty, it’s not even narcissistic, it’s just the truth. Think about it, when you think someone else is judging you, you’re thinking about you, not them!!!

On average, people spend 60% of conversations talking about themselves - and this figure jumps to 80% when communicating via social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook - read all about it here. People are highly likely not judging you, and the small minority that might be … are they even the people you want the opinion of?

Isn’t it even possible that their judgement is simply born out of the same judgement you have for all those ‘perfect’ images? Fear of not being good enough? Let’s be honest ‘judging’ well it’s just not a very nice thing to do, and I have a feeling you’re a pretty good sort! So, you know all that time you’ve been worrying about what everyone might think? They probably aren’t … and even if they are, they’re probably not for you!

Truth Bomb 2:

There is no other you and that is the best thing about you so please embrace this! YOU are your unique selling point and people buy from people. Now we all know this, but we still hide. Whether you are a service based business or have a beautiful range of products, people want to know the face behind the scenes.

As an accredited Life and Mindset Coach I LOVE a good quote as much as the next person (actually probably more!) to get people thinking but every time I share an image of me, actual me, normal me, out walking, with hubby, just being a normal kinda gal I can GUARANTEE I get more engagement and positivity (and often connection towards conversion) than any well thought out quote!

Think about it more practically, if the very same car, same colour, same model, same mileage, same feature and interior, same price even, were up for sale in two garages … right next door to each other. Which would you buy? I’m prepared to lay a bet you’d chose based on your experience past or present, and probably perception of the salesman … the one that you like?

Let people see you, let people get to know you, let people come to trust you, that lovely gorgeous real you …. You’ll be amazed at the difference.

Truth Bomb 3:

Ask yourself some questions.

Who is really suffering by you not showing up for yourself?

Now look, I know this is all easy in print and it’s scary taking yourself out of your comfort zone, it’s scary putting yourself out there. No one wants to be criticised, no one wants to be judged, we all want to be liked, accepted, complimented if possible … it’s a basic human instinct.

But who is benefitting by you holding yourself back?

Ask yourself ‘What is actually the worst that could happen if I do this?’

When you really think about the answer to that question, I ask you, could you handle it?

I’m pretty sure you’ve experienced some tough stuff in life, at work, in your business … and look at you, you made it through. Could you handle the worst that might happen if you put yourself out there? More importantly what’s going to happen if you don’t …. and actually, can you handle that?

You see I’m guessing you want to grow your business, do well, move forward, achieve certain things for you, your family maybe?

So, show up for you. Put yourself out there, just a little bit at first. Take a small step, a selfie with your partner, or a clever ‘didn’t know it was even taken’ type image! Give yourself time to build up, but most of all know this…..

It’’s not just you! Everyone has some fears about showing up, about being more visible. Some are just better at hiding it, kicking it to one side and getting on with it.

You can too …..

Mindset and confidence small  business owners and female entrepreneurs London

Shelley Bosworth is a an accredited Life & Mindset Coach who supports female professionals and business owners, when life gets in the way and they need a hand getting out of their own way and a guiding hand to take back control of what they really want to achieve and how they are going to do so. She is straight talking, honest and fun and will help you challenge you mindset to believe you really CAN be, do or have anything you wish for.

Would you like to have a beautiful portfolio of authentic, on-brand images at your fingertips to make you feel more confident showing up online?